Monday, September 18, 2006

The Self, smaller than the small, greater than the great, is hidden in the hearts of creatures. The wise, by the grace of the Creator, behold the Lord, majestic and desireless and become free from grief.

Yajur Veda, Svetasvatara Upanishad, Part I, Chapter III, 20

Saturday, September 16, 2006

May all creatures, all living things, all beings one and all, experience good fortune only. May they not fall into harm.

Anguttara Nikaya II, 72

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

One should first establish oneself in what is proper and only then try to instruct others. Doing this, the wise one will not be criticized.

Dhammapada 158

Monday, September 04, 2006

Zen: Empty The Cup

A university professor went to visit a famous Zen master. While the master quietly served tea, the professor talked about Zen.

The master poured the visitor’s cup to the brim, and then kept pouring. The professor watched the overflowing cup until he could no longer restrain himself.

“It’s overfull! No more will go in!” the professor blurted. “You are like this cup,” the master replied, “How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup.”

Friday, September 01, 2006

Good is virtue until life's end,
good is faith that is steadfast,
good is the acquisition of wisdom,
and good is the avoidance of evil.

Dhammapada 333